Make Local
MakerCon: 24th September
Maker Faire: 26th and 27th of September
100k Garages, ShopBot and Opendesk have come together for the New York maker showdown that is the World Maker Faire. For the last decade Maker Faires have been showcasing the best makers and designers and the latest trends in the maker movement - it’s been progressive and technologically led. Now we have come together for the two days with an experience that tangibly brings distributed manufacturing to life.

There will be a local fabber onsite making the limited edition designs along with the option of downloading and sending to a maker further a field. If, like many of us, you are priorly engaged we’ll be hosting the limited edition designs online for anyone to download and make.
If you’re lucky enough to be heading to New York for the faire we’ll be demoing our platform with tailored designs that are spec’d to be cut within 30 minutes.

We’ve also been invited to discuss distributed manufacturing at MakerCon, the conference for professional makers, as part of the panel moderated by the founder of Make Media, Dale Dougherty. Check out the rest of the panel and what else is happening at the conference.
MakerCon will be streaming the conference live and a link will follow shortly.
Watch our Twitter feed for updates!